Royal Thin Crust Pizza

Royal Thin Crust Pizza

If you grew up or lived in Central Indiana at any point, you’ve probably had Pizza King pizza. For many of us, it is the BEST pizza around. If you’re not from the area, you probably won’t understand the hype. To me, it tastes like home.

As a lot of you know, there are two types of Pizza King pizza, the Muncie/New Castle region and the Lafayette region. They are both similar, but they do have their differences. I grew up in the Muncie/New Castle region, and that’s the version I prefer.

Since moving from Indiana, I have longed for Pizza King pizza. When I have visited Indiana, I have made it an immediate destination to relieve my craving. We have even mastered the art of bringing some of the glorious pizza back home with us. When family and friends come to visit us in South Carolina, it is our number one request when visitors offer to bring something from home.

While they do offer to ship pizzas, it can be rather pricey. Who can blame them? They’re shipping precious cargo! So for the past year, I’ve been on a mission to create my own version of the pizza. The time has come…


You’re welcome…

Royal Thin Crust Pizza



Pizza Crust:
2 and ½ cups all-purpose flour
1 cup water
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt

*A lot of times I will use a store-bought pizza crust instead of making it from scratch.  I don’t always have the time nor patience to make crust.  Some grocery stores have fresh pizza dough in their deli or bakery areas.  If you choose this route, roll the dough out thinly, and be sure to still prick the dough with a fork to keep it from puffing up during the par-bake.  Cooking temperature may vary depending on what the package states.


Preheat the oven and a pizza stone on 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

Crust Flour

Combine the flour, baking powder, and salt in a mixing bowl.

Crust Dough

Slowly and gradually stir in the water and olive oil. Form into a ball and allow to rest for about 10 minutes.

Rolled Pizza Dough

Roll the dough out onto a flour dusted surface with a rolling pin dusted with flour. The dough should be pretty thin. Roll it out to about 16 inches in diameter. You can trim the edges off to make a round circle.

ParBaked Dough

Carefully transfer the dough to the preheated pizza stone. Allow the dough to bake for about 5 minutes.

For the Sauce:
1-6 oz can tomato paste (I used Red Gold brand)
6 oz water

Sauce on Pizza Dough
Combine the tomato paste and water and stir well. Using a ladle spread the sauce out on the pre-baked pizza dough. Be sure to spread the sauce clear to the edges of the pizza.

For the toppings:
8 oz ground pork sausage
1 tsp dried rosemary

1/2 tsp fennel seed
½ tsp dried dill
½ cup chopped pepperoni
½ cup finely chopped onion
½ cup finely chopped mushrooms
½ cup finely chopped green bell peppers
½ cup finely chopped red bell peppers
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup shredded provolone cheese
Extra ½ tsp dried dill

Brown sausage
On medium heat, brown the ground sausage until cooked through. Be sure to break up the sausage into very small pieces.

Using a mortar and pestle, crush the rosemary, fennel seeds and dill. If you don’t have a mortar and pestle, you can rough chop carefully. When chopping with a knife, the fennels seeds tend to flip everywhere. (You could also pulse a few times in a spice grinder.)

Add the seasoning to the sausage. Cook about another minute. Then remove from heat.

Cheese on Pizza Dough

Spread the cheeses evenly over the sauce. Sprinkle the extra ½ tsp of dried dill over the cheese, evenly.

Sausage on Pizza

Next spread the rest of the toppings evenly over the cheese.

Bake on 425 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15-18 minutes.

Royal Thin Crust Pizza

Cut into the famous square shapes.

I hope you enjoy this little piece of home!




4.6 from 34 reviews
Royal Thin Crust Pizza
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
A Central Indiana Classic thin crust pizza topped with sausage, pepperoni, and fresh veggies!
Recipe type: Pizza
Serves: 16 pieces
  • Pizza Crust:
  • 2 and ½ cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • For the Sauce:
  • 1-6 oz can tomato paste (I used Red Gold brand)
  • 6 oz water
  • For the toppings:
  • 8 oz ground pork sausage
  • 1 tsp dried rosemary
  • ¼ tsp fennel seed
  • ½ tsp dried dill
  • ½ cup chopped pepperoni
  • ½ cup finely chopped onion
  • ½ cup finely chopped mushrooms
  • ½ cup finely chopped green bell peppers
  • ½ cup finely chopped red bell peppers
  • 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1 cup shredded provolone cheese
  • Extra ½ tsp dried dill
  1. For the Crust:
  2. Preheat the oven and a pizza stone on 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Combine the flour, baking powder, and salt in a mixing bowl.
  4. Slowly and gradually stir in the water and olive oil. Form into a ball and allow to rest for about 10 minutes.
  5. Roll the dough out onto a flour dusted surface with a rolling pin dusted with flour. The dough should be pretty thin. Roll it out to about 16 inches in diameter. You can trim the edges off to make a round circle.
  6. Carefully transfer the dough to the preheated pizza stone. Allow the dough to bake for about 5 minutes.
  7. For the Sauce:
  8. Combine the tomato paste and water. Using a ladle spread the sauce out on the pre-baked pizza dough. Be sure to spread the sauce clear to the edges of the pizza.
  9. For the Toppings:
  10. On medium heat, brown the ground sausage until cooked through. Be sure to break up the sausage into very small pieces.
  11. Using a mortar and pestle, crush the rosemary, fennel seeds and dill. If you don’t have a mortar and pestle, you can rough chop carefully. When chopping with a knife, the fennels seeds tend to flip everywhere. (You could also pulse a few times in a spice grinder.)
  12. Add the seasoning to the sausage. Cook about another minute.
  13. Spread the cheeses evenly over the sauce. Sprinkle the extra ½ tsp of dried dill over the cheese, evenly.
  14. Next spread the rest of the toppings evenly over the cheese.
  15. Bake on 425 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15-18 minutes.
  16. Cut into the famous square shapes.
*A lot of times I will use a store-bought pizza crust instead of making it from scratch. I don't always have the time nor patience to make crust. Some grocery stores have fresh pizza dough in their deli or bakery areas. If you choose this route, roll the dough out thinly, and be sure to still prick the dough with a fork to keep it from puffing up during the par-bake. Cooking temperature may vary depending on what the package states.

Melissa is a self-taught, home cook with Midwest and Southern style influences. Melissa grew up in the Midwest , and currently lives in South Carolina with her husband, Jon and four dogs. She's been cooking and creating recipes almost her whole life. Melissa enjoys taking photographs of food and dishes she creates.

113 thoughts on “Royal Thin Crust Pizza

  1. We made some breadsticks that were so close to PK 3/4 baked. We used a store bought rectangle rolled refrigerated pizza crust. Open the roll. Spray the dough with water. Fold it in half. Cut into thin strips. Bake. Brush with butter sauce. Butter sauce: 1/2 stick butter melted, salt, garlic powder, and dried dill to taste.

  2. I am from around the Muncie area, but left home when I was 18 to join the Air Force. Every time I went home for a visit, Pizza King was the first meal that I would eat. Since then, my post military carrier has taken me all over the country.
    My final move has been to Greensboro, NC. When I was looking at moving here, I did a quick search for Sir Pizza (As I knew that there were some on the east coast) Lucky enough, there are several in the area. One of them is less than a mile from where I currently live. Needless to say, I was very happy about this. Sir Pizza does scratch the itch for a Royal Feast, but it is not exactly the same. Mainly, they don’t mince the ingredients as small and it does change the flavor a bit. I can’t wait to try this recipe so that I can try to get something that is closer to the real deal.

  3. Thank you so much for this recipe! I left Lafayette 45 years ago and still miss PK pizza. Can’t wait to try it!

  4. From Eaton, IN, Now in Nashville, the sir pizza here is not even close to the pizza kings around Muncie. Will be trying this very soon.

  5. THANK YOU!! Can’t wait to try this. We are from Marion, Indiana and I went to BSU (clara’s Was the best!!). We now live in S.C.

  6. Thank you, I am from Muncie and currently live in Florida. I don’t see myself going back home since all my family is gone. But I do miss this pizza ( and breaded tenderloins ) so much. I cannot wait to give this a try.

  7. Oh my goodness! I just made this!! Grew up with Pizza King and this tastes just like it! Thanks!

  8. Bless you for posting this! I wish I had found it earlier! I’m from Lafayette, now in Virginia, and am Jonesing for PK pizza. I always went to the location in Lafayette with the model train drink delivery system (Teal Rd), and distinctly remember being there when it was announced that John Lennon had been shot.

    Does anyone know the brand of pepperoni that they use?

  9. Currently pregnant and living in Okinawa Japan. I grew up in New Albany, Indiana, where we have our own Pizza King (and an Arni’s) with this very style pizza. Thanks so much for the recipe! I’ve been craving it like crazy!

  10. I used the yeast dough recipe posted in the comments and followed the remaining directions from the original recipe. I rolled the pizza dough out thin. It was a huge success, the only thing that would have been better is if I had a pizza oven! Thanks so much for the recipe. This is going in the rotation for sure!

  11. Thank you SO MUCH for this recipe. I did these instructions exactly but only changed a few things that may have made the crust taste more authentic. Not sure if my sausage spice recipe change made any difference but the pizza tasted almost authentic. Very very close. My dough recipe was 3.75 cups flour, 1&1/3 cup of warm water putting in a packet of instant rise yeast (stir and wait 5-7 minutes until fully blended), 1tbsp salt, 1 tsp sugar, and 2 tbsp of extra Virgin Olive oil. Combine flour, sugar, salt, and olive oil and stir together. Then add water/yeast mix and finish mixing until fully combined. Kneed dough, cut in half and place in separate bowls with thin coat of olive oil on outside of each dough ball, plastic wrap over top of bowls and let dough rise for 2 hours. Second change was instead of 1/2 tsp of dill, I used 1/4 tsp dill and 1/4 tsp oregano. I live in Indy and some of the king’s in our suburbs are different. The ones I prefer take at least an hour round trip so this is awesome. Im basing this comparison of my result with my favorite king’s: Cumberland and any in Muncie. Very thankful I found this recipe.

  12. I and my wife went to college in Anderson, Indiana. We love Pizza King pizza. We always go to Pizza King when we visit my sister and family in New Castle. I will try this recipe very soon. Thanks for posting.

  13. I’m originally from Yorktown and I found this when one of my Facebook friends gave it a try. I made it tonight and it was yummy. My husband asked me if it was as I remember; since I haven’t had PK in over 30 years, I couldn’t honestly recall. (I just remember that this was the pizza of my growing up and dating years – so important!) I considered this recipe a labor of love and so I thank you!

    In my opinion it should be cut into 25 pieces to get the important little corners. (That I DO remember.) I’m thinking the crust should have a little yeast (maybe only 1/2 teaspoon) to give it a little more flavor. But the texture of the crust was everything!

    Thanks again. It was a really pretty pizza!

  14. I use to live in Nashville, TN. I have had a major obsession with Sir Pizza for over 18 years. So..I see why all you that posted here are looking for a close recipe to make at home especially if you don’t live ANYWHERE near a Pizza King or a Sir Pizza..! This pizza, its crust, the sauce, the cheeses and how its toppings are chopped are a BIG difference from any other Pizza Chain in this Nation. This pizza is crazy-awesome. I agree with others posting about the tomato paste to water ratio. I agree with the use of oregano ( and no dill ). I would certainly use the chopped fennel seed. I would use part provolone and part Mozz cheese. Now!!!..for all of you that want to see how this lovely pizza is made, here it is! Go to: Sir Pizza – Coral Gables, FL 33146 on YouTube and make the computer screen big. Watch it carefully because you can also see that there are some herbs inside their dough! You can clearly see there is some oil that is apart of the dough, flipped over and then they docked the dough to prevent it from puffing up. Well wishes to all who put their efforts into making this wonderful pizza at home.

  15. Born and raise in Greensburg, Indiana. and now live in Wisconsin. Oh how I miss my Pizza King pizza! No one here understands the love of the King and there is no other pizza that even comes close. Thanks for tips on the crust. The owner told me about the cheese but they were tight-lipped about the crust and sauce…Lol! They will deliver via mail but the shipping is about $100…GULP!!!! So…I am super excited to try the yeast recipe (you can definitely taste it in the crust). Thanks for all the work and tips from everyone and sharing this awesome recipe!

  16. Replace half the water with club soda. Makes the crust less dense. I also double the recipe. You get better consistency.

  17. I’m going to try this with a few tweaks. I think they use a yeast dough recipe, which would be less biscuit-like that I imagine one made with baking powder or soda would be. So, I will try the suggestion of a double-rise yeast dough crust.

    We live just outside of Fort Wayne, so it’s no big deal to drive into town to get a Royal Feast. But, at 12 miles one way, it’s not something we often do. And the price is slowly creeping up, so it really is an occasion to go there on our retirement income. I’ll give this one a whirl! Thanks!!

  18. Stumbled on this recipe by accident…there was a party store in Traverse City Michigan called G.J.’s that had a pizza like no other. When I worked for a beer wholesaler twenty years ago I asked the owner about it.

    He said the recipe was from (Royal) Indiana. Bland sauce, flat crust, distinct cheese, cut in squares. Amazing and addicting. Last month they sold to an outfit that promptly changed the pizza and now it isn’t the same.

  19. Last week a gathering of the kids that grew up on a block in Richmond Indiana met after 50 years at Clara’s PK. I forgot about the pizza. Oh my. I ate one by myself two days later on the drive back to Florida. Thanks for this, I’m shopping tomorrow for the ingredients.

  20. Connie McKinney here!! Grew up in Monon, IN. Lived in Lafayette for many years and yes, I also understand the hype!! We now live in South Carolina. Went back home this past year and of course, the first thing I got was an Arni’s Pizza!! We had a Pizza King in Monon while I was growing up and I even worked there!! I’m so anxious to try this as I’ve told my husband if we had the money, I wanted to start my own Pizza King here!!! We had friends here that use to have it shipped to them!! Just want to say thanks and I’m gonna give this a try!! 🙂

    1. Connie, I live in Royal Center, IN and we love to go to Arni’s pizza when we are in Lafayette. I was curious if you’ve tried this recipe yet, and if so, was it close to what Arni’s serves?? Thanks!!

  21. This. Is. Awesome. We grew up near a Sir Pizza in Pittsburgh PA. This is so close it’s ridiculous. Thank you so much for this recipe!

  22. My favorite Pizza King is in Auburn IN. I try to get it whenever I am home. I love it and now my daughter loves it too!

    1. Chuck, my mame is Joan Browning Adams and I too am from Richmond IN. Was back home from NC last weekend to visit a very ill brother and while in town had Claras Royal feast. Never has changed always taste wonderful. Were you by any chance part of the 1965 graduating class of Richmond high school?

  23. where is the nearest location for Pizza King to Valparaiso in. ? closer than Lafayette.
    My home town Alexandria still has a Pizza King. Every time I visit Alex I get one to take home.

  24. I grew up in Columbia City IN with the Pizza King on Main Street, and lived in Ft. Wayne for a while loving Clara’s Pizza King on State Street. I have lived in the Orlando FL area for 12 years now, and I miss Pizza King so much! Nothing else compares! My absolute favorite was their barbecue pizza with simply pepperoni and sausage. Any idea what bbq sauce they used? I would love to be able to recreate it here in FL!!

    1. Yes they’ve changed the sauce that they used to use, but they said they used to use Open Pit BBQ sauce on one of their facebook posts. I have a BBQ and Ham Pizza recipe that uses the sauce.

      1. Thank you for this! I am from Muncie but now live in North Carolina. The only thing I miss is Pizza King!

  25. I am from New Castle, the original Pizza King!! Actually was Top Hat Pizza. Then later became Pizza King .. The best is on Q Avenue, out of the three Pizza Kings in New Castle.. I am gonna try this recipe soon!! My fav is Royal Feast and sausage, hamburger, and ham!!mmmmmmm good!!

  26. I was born and raised in Muncie, and worked at Pizza King on Tillotson while at Ball State. I have lived all over the country, and there is nothing to compare to this. Chicago has deep dish, and New York has its thin crust, but Pizza King beats them all. I live in Florida now, and will definitely give this a try. I do agree the sauce is a 1:1 mix of tomato paste and water, as I mixed up hundreds of batches for our store. And they always advertised using 100% provolone for their cheese.

    1. I know for a fact Arnis uses a mozzarella provolone mix. It’s available thru Gordons Foods.

  27. I grew up in the Muncie area. We used to go to Clara’s on Madison street. My all time favorite pizza.
    I now live in Kentucky and everytime we are in Indiana we stop at the Richmond Indiana Pizza King and get 2 large Royal feasts to take home and a 12″ royal feast and a 12″ Hawaiian to munch on during the drive home.
    I cannot wait to make this! Thank you

  28. Grew up in Cambridge City, now living in KY. We have found a PK in Madison, TN, but this recipe was phenomenal. I sent my sister a pic and she wanted to know how I got PK. Thanks for sharing!

  29. Grew up with Lebanon, IN & Thornton, IN Pizza Kings. Loved their pepperoni Pizza and their bbq Pizza as well as their Texas bbq sandwhich.

  30. I know this is boring to most but my favorite was just a double mushroom pizza. I don’t remember though if their mushrooms was cooked or raw. I am pretty sure they were cooked. If so, does anyone know if they were just canned mushrooms or sauteed fresh?

    1. They were canned mushrooms. Also the tomato paste was Condatina (sp). Also they only used provolone cheese. The green/red peppers were also from a can.

  31. I can’t wait to try this! I was raised on pizza king in Kokomo. Also lived in Tipton and Indianapolis, so we always had a Pizza King pretty close. I sure miss them now that I live in Oklahoma.

  32. My mom grew up in Richmond, IN and every time we go to back visit it is a must that we get Pizza King…WE LOVE IT!!!!

  33. I grew up in Indiana and go to Pizza King every time I visit. The last time I was there for two weeks, I had pizza king four times! Yorktown, Muncie, Anderson. I usually hit Chesterfield, but didn’t this time. It’s the best! Thanks for the recipe; I hope to try it!

  34. Grew up in Lafayette, Indiana! My husband and I are both PURDUE alumni and we so miss this pizza-living in New Mexico it is really difficult to find good pizza. Tried it this week end and love having a taste of home!

    1. So nice to hear my hasband & I are not alone in our PK fanaticism. Also both Purdue grads, I grew up with PK in Peru & introduced my “date” to it in 1970. Have traveled the world, making poor imitations in Scotland, England, Holland, Colombia, & Singapore. Can’t wait to try this. Thx!

  35. I made this today. It’s pretty darn close. Mine was a little too wet. Using a paper towel to squeeze all of the water out of the vegetables, especially the mushrooms, would probably be a good idea. Also the peppers weren’t cooked enough so next time I may saute a bit. I added salt after cooking but next time I’ll add to the sauce, like someone mentioned. I live in SC too but always loved Pizza King in Indiana so this will help with that craving. Thank you!!

  36. I have worked at pizza king for years…leave out all the other spices…oregano is all they use and the cheese is only provolone…the sauce is 1 to 1 tomao paste and water plus some salt the peppers are canned and the mushrooms are fresh the dough needs to proof 2 times in a warm area and it does have eggs

      1. I used a yeast dough recipe with no oil, for a crisper Pizza King type crust. It was fantastic! Here is my recipe (easy):
        1 c warm water
        1 pkg. dry yeast
        1 tsp. sugar
        3 1/2 c white plain flour

        It was hard to get it thin enough. But if you can this will make two 12 in. pizzas or 1 16 in with extra for bread sticks!

      2. This was amazing! I am from Muncie AND went to Purdue. But now that all my family has left Muncie and we live 10+ hours drive away, I NEEDED this recipe! My daughter in New Mexico found it and shared the link!

        The addition of the dill sounded strange, but not only was it perfect, it reminded me of Muncie’s John’s Awful Awful’s pizza. Especially their Pee-Wee Pizza. (This certainly dates me, I know!) Not anywhere as good a Pizza King, it did have dill sprinkled on top!

        1. Copied this down. I’m making it and then making the trek to the motherland (Muncie) to compare. I do miss Pizza King!

    1. They might be fresh now but they weren’t when I worked there.but still love my PK few
      Fresh or not

  37. I, too grew up on PK pizza and miss it now that I live in Illinois. One thing no one has mentioned is the cornmeal dusting on the crust. Maybe it was just a Lafayette thing, but it was part of the whole experience! Can’t wait to try this recipe!

  38. Thanks for the recipe, made this last night and it was great. Live on West Coast now but grew up in Indiana so i was stoken to see this recipe.

    What kind of sausage do you use? That was the only thing that seemed a bit off for me when compared to real PK. I think mine had its own seasoning. It was still a great pizza.

  39. Thank you for the recipe. I too was raised on Pizza King Pizza and have never found another pizza even close to it. When we travel back to Ft Wayne to visit, we bring a cooler and buy 12 -15 half-baked pizzas to bring back to Charleston SC. I look forward to trying your Royal Feast recipe. And when I’m successful with the crust, I’m going to bake my favorite all-time Pizza King pizza – pepperoni, sausage, onion and extra cheese! Thanks again! Cheers!!

  40. Thx for the recipe. Anxious to try it. I grew up in the Adams Co, Wells Co, and Jay Co areas (Geneva, Berne, Portland, Bluffton). Love the Pizza King’s in all these towns. They are still there. My most favorite is in Geneva, IN. It is small but super yummy and they have AYCE buffets.

  41. I grew up with Pizza King in Plainfield, Indiana. When I got to Ball State in 1974, I was shocked at what others accepted as pizza. We’d order from Dominos in the Village and I hated it. I finally made a friend who grew up in Muncie and had a car on campus. We often made the trip to Pizza King on Tillotson.

    My senior year, I spent a lot of time at Clara’s. It was just a better place to hang out and the pizza was Pizza King’s. After graduation I got a real job near Cincinnati and found a Clara’s Pizza there. It is gone now. But I enjoyed it while it was there.

    I now have a Pizza King close by in Avon but they burn the crust too often and the pizza costs twice as much as Papa John’s. I have learned to like other pizzas but not as much as thise pizzas from my childhood. However I have had great pizza from the Pizza King in Fortville. But reading here that there is a Clara’s in Richmond makes me want to go. As soon as the weather turns nice I think I will go.

  42. I am from Lafayette IN and now live in SC. Can’t wait to try this version and see how it differs from the Lafayette version. Can’t get this kind of pizza where I live. I will have to research Sir Pizza. Hopefully I will get to try it in the next couple of weeks. Sounds yummy!!!!

  43. Born and raised in Elwood, Indiana and we LOVEEEE Pizza King! It is the best time of the month when we order it for our family!! Actually, I think we might just try this!! I know it isn’t gonna be the SAME per say.. But it will be similar and even better, CHEAPER! lol ty for sharing!!

  44. Tomato paste and water only to make the sauce? AM I reading that wrong? Surely, there must be more to it than that.

        1. Yes, they used to use Open Pit BBQ sauce. (They’ve changed sauce a few years ago to something else though, per a Facebook post) I took a photo of the bottle in the BBQ and Ham Pizza recipe.

    1. I worked at Pizza King for years… let me share some tips. For the sauce they use equal parts of regular tomato pasta and water (1 industrial sizes can) and then they add a half of a cheese sauce cup of salt. Considering you’re going to make way less of guess about a half a teaspoon to a quarter teaspoon of salt. They do not put dill in their pizza though that does sound good. And the herbs are mixed in to the provolone and mozzarella cheese. Also they allow their crust to rise some in a warm box to help make it crispy. One last thing, make sure you sprinkle some cheese on top to hold it all together. Good luck and enjoy.

  45. I venture to the Sir Pizza in the Nashville area maybe once a year. It’s similar enough to be worth my trip there, but it’s just not the same. Some of the ingredients aren’t chopped (mushrooms, onions), and the flavor is a bit different. Every time in Muncie I must go for the real thing…

    1. I’m a Muncie surrounding area resident. Delaware Countys Pizza Kings are the best. Everywhere else is just a little different. Even the breadsticks are different in other areas. I’m currently in Grant County and Gas City’s is the absolute worse one period. NOTHING close to Muncie/Royerton/Selma/ Yorktown/Albanys.. PK usually cost us about $55 so we don’t go often but we LOVE it when we can afford the luxury <3

  46. I grew up near Anderson, Indiana. We love PIzza King. We have it at least once every time we are back in Anderson. I have brought it back with me in a cooler before too in dry ice. i am looking forward to trying this.

  47. I was born and raised in Dunkirk, IN and am SO in love with Pizza King. I am not sure where everyone is from but wanted you to know that I currently live in Greensboro, NC….and about 20 minutes from here are TWO Sir Pizza’s which are the mother company of Pizza King…You walk in there and it is like being HOME. It just smells different…but their pizza is IDENTICAL to our hometown PK. They are in HIGH POINT, NC on Main Street…Hope it helps SOMEONE!!

  48. Arnies in Indianapolis is very close to Pizza king although smaller pizzas and no BBQ royal feast still good the indianapolis pizza kings taste nothing like Muncie Anderson New castle .

  49. I grew up in Muncie and my hubby in Dunkirk, IN. We dated all through High School and after our marriage we continued to have date night at one of the Pizza Kings in Muncie. We have lived in SE NC for a long time now, but we definitely hit Pizza King every time we are in Muncie, as a matter of fact, several times during our visits. We have tried bringing frozen Royal Feast home, but they never tasted exactly the same. We will happily try your recipe very soon, thank you.

  50. I can’t wait to try this! My father owned 2 Pizza King restaurants (Cambridge City, IN and Richmond, IN) and my sister & her family owns 3 (Liberty, IN & 2 in Rushville, IN). I personally worked at the Cambridge City location for-EVER!
    I live in Dallas now and nothing comes close…SO BRAVO! FYI…our locations never added salt to the sauce!

      1. Robin–I second the motion for you to open a Pizza King in Dallas!!! I would drive from my home in San Antonio for Pizza King every weekend. We miss Pizza King and Arni’s style pizzas like crazy!!!

        1. I third the option pizza king in Dallas or ftw area originally from New Castle when I go home it’s sliders and top hat.

    1. There is a place right down the road from the VA hospital in Dallas that is using the pizza king name and Muncie website for their pizzas. Don’t eat it! It’s a frozen pizza with some additional toppings. My step mother turned them into corporate because they were using Muncie pizza king website. Worst pizza I ever tasted!

    2. I am so amazed by this post. My family grew up in New Castle and loved this pizza, later most of us moved to other states. I thought we were the strange ones who would fill up on pizza anytime we visited IN and would buy partially cooked pizza, freeze it and take it back home with us.
      I am also in the Dallas area and think you should open a pizza place here. I also think it would be fun to meet up—for a pizza party.

  51. Melissa, I grew up on the Muncie version and did not realize that there was a difference between that type and the Lafayette type–what is the difference? And thanks for the recipe, I will be trying this soon.

    1. Angela, the biggest difference for me is that the Muncie versions stores carry my favorite two pizza’s (Hamburger) and (Baked Ham) the later with barbecue sauce! The Lafayette supplied Pizza Kings don’t offer these options so I drive an extra hour and a half to get these delectable pizza’s! Steve Snyder

  52. Besides my family and friends, this is the thing I miss the miss the from Kokomo. My favorite was their mushroom pizza. I always thought their sauce was part of the reason that it had that special flavor. Does anyone have a suggestion to which brand might have the most simular taste? Now if I could just learn how to make Lord John tacos, I would be set!

  53. Melissa, I saw that you are living in SC. I myself live in NC. I also grew up in Indiana, and missed Pizza King soooo bad.

    I don’t know if you are aware, but Pizza King’s “brother”-Sir Pizza has locations in both NC and SC, and they have the royal feast. In fact, one of the families that started the original Pizza King is running a Sir Pizza restaurant in High Point, NC. I visited there a month ago, and ate until I could eat no more!

    It may be a good idea for everyone to Google the nearest “Sir Pizza.” If there’s one even remotely close, it’s time for a day trip. 🙂

    I promise, you WON’T be disappointed!!!!!!!

    1. I learned a long time ago that Pizza King used Contadina tomato paste, 50/50 with water so your info is correct. I use hot sausage with mine. I have the toppings down pat, but never the crust. Can’t wait to try this…..Thanks I grew up in Muncie and will hit Pizza King everyday I’m there. The frozen ones are not as good because they put the cheese on top instead of under the ingredients….and I think that is the problem. Thanks again.

  54. Never realized what all was in the topping! Thanks for passing this on. I grew up in New Castle, IN. I don’t recall where we had to go to get this (Indy or Muncie, perhaps), but I remember the taste even decades later!

    1. Yes, you can never forget the flavor!

      Thanks for the spelling correction! The spell check between the word processing program I use for the first draft and the program I use to post are always different.

  55. I grew up in Thorntown, IN and my husband grew up in Connersville, IN. We met at Tri-State University (now Trine University) in Angola, IN. We haven’t lived in Indiana for many years and are now located in Orlando, FL. Oh, how we miss Pizza King! Can’t wait to try this recipe…thanks for sharing!

  56. Great job recreating their pizza…. I will let you know a few changes you can make to tweak your recipe to be even more accurate…. I will just leave it at that as to how I know ?? while you are absolutely correct on the ratio of tomatoes paste to water you have left out the salt…the salt must be added to be dead on I would start out at a tsp then taste it…also the bread stixs are made out of the pizza dough…the cheese sauce you can buy from Marsh deli…it is Que Bueno brand…the Mozz cheese you need to add oregano to then blend together then spread on your pizza….the dill butter sauce is real butter,dill weed,salt n granulated garlic powder….ENJOY

  57. I was raised in Richmond IN , and had my share of Clara’s Pizza ,I have been in KY for over 40 years and have made many trips back to Richmond to get Clara’s pizza . I can say no more , this recipe you shared is spot on ! We made it and just freaked out loving it!! I am now sharing it with family that live in other states, and they are so exited to try this recipe ! Thank you so much for the information !!!

  58. Hi! We are from Muncie. We are now living near Phoenix and have been dieing for Pizza King.. Im so excited to give your recipie a whirl! 😉 Thanks.

  59. Melissa – Thanks so much for the pizza king pizza recipe, I was born and raised in new Castle so I totally understantd the craving and we all so request a pizza or two when people visit us here in florida

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